
    So, we came to the conclusion that QA is not only about testing. If we are talking about QA engineers, then their task is not just to pierce all the buttons in a new feature and pierce them again before the release to make sure that nothing has fallen off. QA are involved in all stages of product development. Our goal is to release the best quality product in a reasonable time frame. We try to ensure quality at every stage of development. We monitor the quality of the code, interfaces, design and the final quality of the entire resulting product. QA can improve any of these processes.



    Let me briefly remind you how we write code: what happened three years ago and what we have come to now. Two or three years ago we worked on the so-called trunk-based development. This did not suit us, and over time we switched to GitHub Flow. I already talked about how we improved this whole process and how the transition was made in a previous article, so now I will not dwell on it. Let's move on to how the whole feature development process works in general.

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    Testing is a check of correspondence between the actual and expected behavior of programs. Quality Assurance, aka QA, which is often used, is a preventive process aimed at ensuring that all necessary techniques, procedures, standards and methodologies are followed during the product development process and provide a result without defect.


    If we don’t choke at all, then it will be easier to say this: testing is one of the stages of quality assurance. At hh, our testers are quality assurance engineers, they influence the entire development process, and not just look for bugs. Later in the article, I will use the terms “tester” and “QA” as synonyms to indulge in unnecessary tediousness.

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